It's surprisingly difficult to pick the one thing you'd feel utterly lost without, no matter how unimportant it may seem to someone else, but we gave it a shot so here's what team BDA London always has on hand...
Chloe, Assistant Creative Consultant
This scrapbook is basically my brain in scrapbook form, I’ve had it for years and file away ideas and inspiration with blue tack and paper clips to reference and revisit. It’s a bit like Miranda Priestly’s book in The Devil Wears Prada! The ideas inside cover everything from architecture and art to silhouettes, new brands, store openings and big ideas for future trends. I love the tactility of having my ideas to hand, whenever I need inspiration.

Mollie, Assistant Creative Consultant
Rain or shine, these come everywhere with me and are on my face 24/7. Perfect for no make-up days, hangover days, and especially days where you really don't want to make awkward small talk after catching your sister's friend's cousin's girlfriend's eye on the tube.

Carrie, Project Manager
I couldn’t live without my diary. A creature of habit I buy the same one every year from Leuchtturm1917 switching up the colour only. This bold orange will be hard to misplace in the bottom of my bag!

Alice, Creative Consultant
I would say my can’t live without is travel, nothing makes me happier than knowing I’ve got a trip booked, no matter how exotic or local, but that wouldn’t be possible without my trusty passport. It’s also my only form of ID and what allows me to buy gin so I bloomin’ love it.

Justin, Senior Project Manager
How can I not love things that make ugly feet look beautiful.

Rob, Assistant Creative Consultant
I can’t live without my morning ginger, lemon and turmeric tea. Besides the health benefits of this superfood trio, it’s a calm and gentle start to the day. Bursting with flavour, my daily dose of goodness helps defend me from the cold that EVERYONE seems to have!

Teya, Intern
My must have item would be my blend active smoothie maker, I’ve been using it for years, and is great to wizz a few ingredients together and leave quickly in the morning.

Terrie, Senior Project Manager
Le Labo Santal 33 Perfume - I use it everyday and get stressed when the bottle is running low. I love the distinctive smell and the personalised experience when you purchase.
